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Driving on the highway, 5 annoying behaviors are unacceptable

Publish Time: 2024-02-01     Origin: Wondee Autoparts

There are many novice drivers on the highway, and many of them seem to be driving recklessly, disregarding the feelings of others, and even unaware of the danger themselves. Driving on the highway, violating regulations, or engaging in behaviors that most drivers dislike are all relatively dangerous, either endangering oneself or affecting the safety of others. Today, let's talk about the annoying driving behaviors we often encounter on highways. How many have you encountered? If you have done it before, try to avoid it in the future.


1. Forced lane change or emergency lane change

Changing lanes should be done without affecting the normal driving of the following vehicle. Many people ignore it on the highway. Even if you are driving at a fast speed and close to the preceding vehicle, there will still be a nearby vehicle changing lanes in front of you, forcing us to brake. This is a subjective intentional behavior of the driver, which is really annoying. Another situation is emergency lane change, which mainly occurs at highway exits or intersections. If someone is driving in the inner lane and is about to miss the intersection, they often make an emergency lane change. This situation is very dangerous and can make the following vehicle unable to dodge and rear end, affecting their own and others' safety.


       2. Driving on or near the line

Under normal circumstances, we should drive in the middle of the lane, so that even if there are cars overtaking on both sides or you overtake others, there will be a relatively large lateral distance. Some people, on the other hand, do not walk in the middle of the lane and always get close to one side of the lane, even approaching the lane line. Driving in this way will affect the traffic of vehicles in the adjacent lane. If you dare not overtake you, even if you barely overtake, the lateral distance between the two vehicles will be very close. If there is a slight turn in direction or an unexpected situation ahead, it is easy to collide.


      3. Misuse of turn signals and high beams

The misuse of turn signals is manifested by forgetting to turn them off and keeping them on for a long time, resulting in the rear car not being able to grasp the driving trajectory of the front car very well. For example, when driving in the middle lane and keeping the left turn signal on, the vehicle may not seem to have the intention to change lanes and may not dare to overtake you in the left lane, fearing a sudden lane change during overtaking. In this situation, either he forgot to turn off the turn signal, or he wants to wait for the vehicle on the left to pass before changing lanes, in short, the lighting is not used correctly. Misuse of high beams occurs when driving at night. If there are no street lights, high beams should be used, but when approaching or overtaking the front vehicle, low beams should be switched. Some cars have the same speed as the front car, always following the front car but keeping their high beams on, which affects the visibility of the front car. Not being able to change the high and low beams according to the actual situation is considered misuse of lighting.


     4. Low speed vehicles occupying the left lane for a long time

Overtaking requires overtaking on the left side. Generally speaking, vehicles on the left lane are very fast, and a low-speed vehicle suddenly appears in front. To overtake, the following vehicle must slow down and overtake from the right side, which poses a certain level of danger. For local cars, the speed on this lane is very fast, and every car that reaches you must brake to slow down. There is always a chance of not being able to slow down in time, increasing the likelihood of being rear ended. For the rear car, there is a large blind spot when overtaking and turning on the right side. As the driver is on the left side, they need to turn the front of the car all the way out to see the road ahead. If there is an emergency situation ahead, it is easy to avoid it and accidents may occur.


     5. Two cars driving in parallel and overtaking from the emergency lane

It is common to encounter situations where two cars are driving side by side, with overtaking by a large car being more common. Occasionally, two small cars are also driving side by side. This blocks all vehicles in the rear, making it impossible to overtake, and the two cars driving side by side are not fast, so the vehicles in the rear can only be in a hurry. There are also overtaking from the emergency lane. When we are driving in the right lane, we usually pay more attention to the rear or left lane. However, we are generally not very careful in the emergency lane because there are no cars driving. If a car suddenly overtakes us from the emergency lane and changes lanes in front of us, we are likely to be startled and caught off guard, leading to disorientation or sudden braking.

From: WONDEE Autoparts


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