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During summer driving, these 5 checks should be done well

Publish Time: 2024-04-02     Origin: Wondee Autoparts

Driving in summer is slightly different from other seasons. When the temperature is high in summer, cars may also experience some summer specific or high incidence faults, such as high water temperature and cold air conditioning, which are very common faults in summer. People are afraid of heat and cold, but in fact, cars are also afraid of heat and cold. The probability of car malfunctions is also low in spring and autumn, and high in winter and summer. Today, let's talk about summer driving. What are the key inspections to focus on? Eliminate some potential faults in advance.

1. Check the air conditioning filter. Air conditioners are often used in summer, and the filter gets dirty quickly, especially those that prevent PM2.5. Due to their good filtering effect, they can become very dirty after one or two months of use. The biggest problem caused by a dirty air conditioning core is the poor cooling effect. Many car owners go to 4S stores to repair their own air conditioning, and the poor cooling effect is caused by the air conditioning core being too dirty, and the air conditioning system itself is not faulty. Due to the dirty filter element, the air volume will decrease, and I only listen to the sound of the blower, but the actual amount of wind blown out is not much. If the filter element is slightly dirty, it can be cleaned and reused. If it looks very dirty, it can be replaced directly. In addition, dirty filter cartridges can also produce odors, which can affect our physical health.

2. Check the tires. Compared to other seasons, summer is more prone to tire blowouts because higher ground temperatures result in higher tire temperatures, which in turn lead to a decrease in molecular cohesion and strength between the rubbers. If the rubber of the tire ages or is subjected to external forces, the probability of a tire blowout will be high. So when checking the tires, it is necessary to check the degree of aging and injury. If there are many small cracks, it indicates that the tire is aging. It is best to replace it in a timely manner in summer.

3. Check various liquids, especially engine oil and coolant. Firstly, check the liquid level of the engine oil. When checking the engine oil, you can also smell the odor. If there is a sour smell, it indicates that the engine oil has deteriorated and needs to be replaced. The coolant level must meet the standard, otherwise it is easy to cause high water temperature faults. Secondly, check if there are any signs of leakage in each of them, and whether there is oil or coolant leakage, it is necessary to repair them in a timely manner.

4. Check the aging degree of the wiper blades and various rubber strips on the car door. The inspection of the wiper blade is to see if it can be wiped clean. If it can be wiped clean, it indicates that the function is normal. If it cannot be wiped clean, it needs to be replaced. The rubber strip on the car door is often overlooked, especially in some old cars where it has aged and cracked, making it prone to water leakage on rainy days. Even when washing the car, water may enter the driver's cab and need to be replaced in a timely manner.

5. Check if each drainage hole is blocked. There are several drainage holes, including sunroof drainage holes, door drainage holes, and air conditioning drainage holes. Focus on checking the sunroof drainage hole, because if it is blocked, water will flow into the cab from the sunroof on rainy days. Firstly, the roof will get wet, and over time, the seats and other components will also get wet, posing a greater risk. How to check? Open the sunroof and you can see the drainage holes at the four corners. Check for any leaves, dirt, etc. near the holes and clean them up in a timely manner. The drainage hole of the car door can be left unchecked. When there is water in the car door, it can be unblocked to allow the water to flow out, but the harm is not significant. Occasionally, the drainage hole of the air conditioner may also be blocked, and once blocked, the air conditioning water will flow into the driver's cabin, causing a lot of water under the passenger's feet.

From: WONDEE Autoparts


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