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Is the fuel consumption of the external circulation of car air conditioning higher than that of the internal circulation?

Publish Time: 2024-03-01     Origin: Wondee Autoparts

Today I will talk about a simple issue about air conditioning, but there are many beginners who are not familiar with it. One is about the issue of air conditioning internal and external circulation and fuel consumption, and the other is about air conditioning water. Everyone knows about air conditioning water, but car owners often consult or drive directly to the repair shop for inspection. What's wrong with the continuous dripping of water under the engine of my car? It shouldn't be a leak, right? As we have mentioned before about the use of internal and external circulation, there are still many car owners who are not familiar with it. Today, we will talk about whether the circulation method will affect fuel consumption? And the issue of air conditioning water.


The internal and external circulation of air conditioning does indeed affect fuel consumption, and if the temperature is very high in summer, it can also affect the cooling effect. Especially at noon, driving the external circulation will feel hot, and the temperature inside the car cannot drop. It needs to be adjusted to a very low temperature and the air volume needs to be increased. The reason why cars can blow cold air with air conditioning is that the blower is like a fan rotating, and after rotation, there will be wind blowing through the air duct into the car compartment. There is an evaporator box blocking the air duct, and all the wind needs to pass through the evaporator box before it can be blown out. And the evaporator box circulates and absorbs heat through the refrigerant inside, making it very cool. When the wind passes through the evaporator box, due to the heat transfer effect, the wind will also become very cool, blowing out is cool wind.


If the wind itself is very hot, this heat will be transferred to the evaporator, causing the temperature of the evaporator to rise. The compressor needs to increase its load or extend its working time to maintain the low temperature of the evaporator. When it reaches the external circulation state, the wind enters the carriage from the outside, and the temperature of the outside air is very high, which transfers a lot of heat to the evaporator box, resulting in an extension of the compressor's working time. Therefore, using an external circulation will increase fuel consumption, but the increase will not be too significant, and our rough calculations may not necessarily show it Therefore, if the air conditioning is turned on, there is no need to worry about internal circulation or external circulation. Generally, there is a difference of one or two points in fuel consumption between 100 kilometers with and without air conditioning, and the impact of internal and external circulation is negligible. So, except when the sun is high at noon and when there is severe external air pollution, it is recommended to use more external circulation to keep the air inside the car fresh.


Dripping water after turning on the air conditioning is normal, as the temperature of the evaporator is very low. The surrounding water vapor will condense into small water droplets when it cools down, and the more it accumulates, the more it will flow out of the car. The drainage holes of the vast majority of cars are located in front of the passenger seat, as the evaporator box is located in this position. Looking at the location of the water dripping on the ground, it's right behind the engine. It seems like the engine is leaking water, but it's actually air conditioning water. If the air conditioner does not drip, it is abnormal, indicating that the drainage hole is blocked. Every summer, there are cars with blocked drainage holes. After being blocked, water cannot be discharged and accumulates in the outer shell of the evaporator box. If there is more, it will flow out from the cracks and onto the passenger floor, wetting the carpet. So if you see water under the co pilot's feet, the first thing to consider is that the air conditioning drainage hole is blocked.

From: WONDEE Autoparts


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