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To slow down a manual transmission car, do you first apply the brake or the clutch?

Publish Time: 2024-05-11     Origin: Wondee Autoparts

Many new drivers do not buy manual transmission cars, not only because it is tiring to drive, but also because the operation is too complicated and requires too many skills, making it difficult to drive on their own. Manual transmission cars not only require good coordination between the accelerator and clutch when starting, but also involve various coordination and sequence issues during normal driving. Today, we will talk about how to operate when decelerating, whether to press the brake first or press the clutch first?

There are several situations to consider. Generally speaking, on the premise of ensuring that the engine does not stall, the brake should be pressed first. The purpose of decelerating and pressing the clutch is to ensure that the engine does not stall and shift gears, rather than relying on pressing the clutch to decelerate. When decelerating at high speeds, it is important to first apply the brake, as the engine will not stall at high speeds. If you want to stop, keep pressing the brake. When the speed drops to around 40km/h and the car starts to shake, then press the clutch, shift to neutral, or choose a reasonable gear. This will not stop the engine, but it can also stop smoothly. If normal driving only slows down slightly and then continues to accelerate, there is no need to press the clutch when only pressing the brake. After pressing the brake, you can continue to use the fuel door, saving one clutch press action. If you slow down a lot before accelerating, you should first press the brake and then shift to fourth or third gear to accelerate when preparing to accelerate.

The purpose of applying the brake first during high-speed driving is mainly to use the engine to reverse brake, resulting in a shorter braking distance. Without refueling, the engine should have returned to idle, but in reality, its RPM is still very high. This is when the wheel rotation drives the engine to rotate, which in turn is the load on the wheel, applying resistance to the wheel rotation. This not only allows for faster braking, but also keeps the engine running at high speeds, ensuring that the brake assist package has sufficient vacuum and braking force. If the clutch is pressed first and then the brake is applied, the connection between the engine and the gearbox is disconnected, and the engine cannot apply reverse braking force to the wheels. It can only rely on the braking system to slow down.

If the car is originally driving at low speeds, around 40km/h, or even lower, deceleration should be achieved by first pressing the clutch and then the brake, or by simultaneously pressing the clutch and brake. The speed is low. If you press the brake first, it is easy to stall. If you press the brake lightly, it is easy to control. If you press the brake hard, it will instantly suffocate the car and extinguish the fire. This is not only not good for the car, but also prone to the formation of more carbon deposits. In some cases, there is also a possibility of danger, and the risk of being rear ended by a car is even greater. When driving at low speeds, one should pay more attention to whether the engine will stall. Whether you press the clutch or brake first, it doesn't have much impact on the braking effect. At low speeds, even when coasting in neutral, one foot of the brake can instantly stop, so there is no need to worry about the order of clutch braking. Of course, the above mentioned deceleration is under normal circumstances. In case of emergency, it is necessary to brake first and then clutch, and then consider steering to avoid it. Do not consider whether the engine can be turned off, but rather ensure that no accidents occur.

From: WONDEE Autoparts


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