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How can you determine whether you can continue to use a tire that has been cut?

Views: 0     Author: Wondee Autoparts     Publish Time: 2024-04-17      Origin: Wondee Autoparts


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There are many malfunctions in cars that basically meet the replacement standards, but they can still be used for a period of time. For example, when doing maintenance at a 4S dealership, the repair technician will always suggest one or two more items to the car owner after the maintenance is completed. Some of these items are serious and some are minor, but the car owner cannot judge. Doing them may result in wasting money, while not doing them may bring great risks to using the car. Today we will mainly talk about one common issue, which is that if a tire is injured, to what extent should it be replaced? Today we will talk about the situation of tire injuries. Having learned not to go to a 4S store, one can also make a rough judgment on their own.

Tyre (1)

The front and side of a tire are very different. The front is the place where it comes into contact with the ground, and its rubber is very thick with steel wires inside. And the side needs to constantly deform and recover during driving, so the side walls are very thin and there are no steel wires inside, but rather a curtain layer, which is a skeleton composed of some curtain lines. So a frontal injury is generally not a big problem, while a lateral injury can easily lead to the tire being scrapped directly.

Tyre (2)

Pressing on some sharp stones, being too close to the road teeth, especially at some corners, can easily scratch the sidewalls, and in severe cases, the tire may burst at that time. The sidewall is scratched, and whether it can be used depends on the depth of the scratch. If the inner curtain layer is leaked, which means the curtain line can be seen, it cannot be used and can be replaced with a new tire. If the curtain line cannot be seen, there are two situations. If the depth is visible to the naked eye and does not reach the depth of the curtain line, then it can be used normally. If the wound is very thin, such as cutting it with a knife, although we cannot see the curtain, we do not know the depth. This situation is not easy to determine, and it can be observed for a period of time while driving at low speeds in the city to see if there is any bulge. If you want to run on the highway, try not to use it and replace it. Of course, if it weren't for intentional scratches, we would be able to determine the depth of the vast majority of wounds and they wouldn't be very narrow.

Tyre (3)

Another situation where the sidewall is injured is when it is compressed. Mild compression is generally not a problem, but if the compression is too severe, the cord of the fabric layer may break. After the fracture, there is usually no visible problem at that time. It takes some time to use, and the area where the fracture occurs will bulge. After the bulge, it must be replaced immediately. Therefore, the tire has been compressed, and in the future, it is necessary to observe the tire for any bulges when using it. If there are no bulges, it can be used continuously.

Tyre (4)

There are also cuts on the front of the tire, and minor cuts do not affect it. If the depth is below the wear limit of the tire, it is also necessary to consider replacing it, as it is almost permeable. What is the wear limit of tires? In the three deepest grooves in the middle of the tire, there is a small protrusion every distance, and when the tire wears to the depth of this protrusion, it reaches the wear limit. If the depth of the front wound is lower than the protrusion, it is recommended to replace it. In fact, at this depth, the length will definitely not be short, and it looks very serious.

From: WONDEE Autoparts



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