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When driving, we hardly look at the dashboard. How can we know if the water temperature is too high?

Views: 0     Author: Wondee Autoparts     Publish Time: 2024-04-17      Origin: Wondee Autoparts


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The problem of high water temperature during summer driving is quite common, especially for older cars. Either the thermostat or fan is broken, and the fan plug is burned out. In short, if there is a slight malfunction in the cooling system, the water temperature will immediately rise. The harm of high water temperature is very serious. After a long time, the piston will expand and get stuck in the cylinder, causing severe wear of the cylinder and requiring major engine repairs. So how do we know when the water temperature is high while driving? What is the water temperature to be considered high?

Water tempreture (1)

After the water temperature rises, there are two places that can be seen: the water temperature gauge and the water temperature alarm light. The normal water temperature for most cars is around 90 degrees, which means the pointer is in the middle of the water temperature gauge. A very small number of cars have a normal water temperature close to 100 degrees. No matter what kind of car, it is normal for the water temperature to be slightly higher in summer, especially for slightly older cars, which do not require maintenance. As long as the pointer reaches the red area on the water temperature gauge, it indicates that the water temperature is high, exceeding 110 degrees. Many cars do not have temperature markings, and as long as they approach the red zone, the water temperature is high, so there is no need to monitor how many degrees.

Of course, there are also cars without a water temperature gauge, so the water temperature cannot be checked through the water temperature gauge, and can only be checked through the water temperature alarm light. Any car with a water temperature warning light on indicates high water temperature, which is the most important reminder. Everyone doesn't pay much attention to the water temperature gauge, but there is a red fault light on the instrument panel during driving, which is quite obvious and easy to see.

Water tempreture (2)

Some people say that they hardly look at the dashboard while driving, and even if the alarm light is on, they don't know. How do they know if the water temperature is high? It is indeed like this, even if the alarm light is on, there is no warning sound, and it can only be seen through the eyes. It is not easy to know immediately without looking at the instrument panel. If you turn on the air conditioning, you can tell that the water temperature is high by not cooling it anymore. High water temperature mostly occurs in summer, and most drivers in summer also turn on the air conditioning. If the air conditioning suddenly produces hot air, it is necessary to first check the water temperature. Because the water temperature is too high, the air conditioning will automatically shut off, reducing the load and protecting the engine, which is a program function that all vehicles have. In practice, many people find that the high water temperature is known through the hot air generated by the air conditioner. In fact, most people often look at the dashboard while driving, and the most important thing they see is the speed. Overspeed is not allowed, and there are also people who check the RPM and shift gears in manual transmission cars. As long as you look at the instrument panel, you can detect any malfunction lights as soon as possible. It is best to check them frequently while driving.

If you notice a high water temperature, just pull over and turn off the engine immediately. Don't listen to some people saying you need to idle for a few more minutes before turning off the engine. The water temperature is already high, and idling will continue to generate heat, which cannot dissipate heat at this time and can further increase the harm to the engine. As long as the vehicle's water temperature is high, it is a problem with the cooling system. Poor or inability to dissipate heat is not a problem with the engine's high working intensity.

Water tempreture (3)

After parking on the side, all we can check for ourselves is whether there is a lack of coolant. Many cars with high water temperatures are caused by a lack of coolant. If it is missing, simply add coolant to restore normal operation. If there is no spare coolant on the car, adding some purified water for emergency use is also possible. But if you add too much, you need to replace all of them afterwards. When adding, be careful to wait for the car to cool down before opening the lid. When the car is hot, open the lid. Due to the high pressure in the cooling system, the coolant inside may spray out, which is very likely to cause burns. If there is a lot of coolant, it is a problem with other aspects, just call a rescue trailer, most of the faults cannot be solved on the spot.

From: WONDEE Autoparts



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