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Why do I need to make a big turn when turning left or a small turn when turning right while driving?

Views: 0     Author: Wondee Autoparts     Publish Time: 2024-04-15      Origin: Wondee Autoparts


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Many people know about turning left, then turning big, and then turning right, and then turning small, because coaches have taught them during the driver's license exam. But many people don't know what it means, even if they know what it means, they don't follow it when driving, especially when turning left. A traffic light at an intersection is circular, with a green light indicating both straight and left turns. Many people turn left vehicles into small turns in order to grab the lane, and one after another, turning smaller and smaller in order to catch up with the straight traffic. In fact, doing so carries certain risks and is not allowed by traffic regulations. It is a requirement of traffic regulations to turn left, turn big, and turn right, turn small.

big trun (1)

What does this mean? When turning left at an intersection, the turning radius should be larger, keep driving forward, and then start turning left at the center of the intersection. It is not correct to immediately turn in the direction after crossing the stop line. Some cars even start turning left on the sidewalk, occupying the opposite lane and blocking straight vehicles. What are the benefits of taking a big turn? Firstly, it does not affect the passage of straight vehicles, and traffic rules have provisions for turning to allow for straight traffic. Secondly, it is also safer to turn at the center point. When turning to the sidewalk, the car is basically straight and the line of sight is good, making it easy to see pedestrians crossing the road. If you take a small turn and the intersection is quite large, you either have to walk a long diagonal line or move forward in the opposite lane close to the sidewalk before turning to the target lane, which is considered reverse traffic. In addition, no matter how you turn a small corner, the car is still inclined when you reach the sidewalk. The left A-pillar blocks the line of sight, creating a large blind spot where you cannot see pedestrians on the road, which can easily lead to traffic accidents.

big trun (2)

Why do you need to make a small turn when turning right? It is to avoid affecting the passage of straight vehicles and reduce the probability of accidents. After making a right turn, you need to turn to the far right lane. If there is a need to change lanes, you need to make a complete turn before changing lanes. It is not possible to directly turn to the second and third lane on the right, which will affect the passage of straight vehicles. If straight vehicles are moving at a fast speed, they may not be able to dodge and collide with turning vehicles. Turning small corners is also relatively easy, just look at the lane on the far right without any cars to turn. If turning large corners, you also need to check several lanes to see if there are any cars. In addition, the speed must be slow when turning, because there is a large blind spot during turning, and some areas cannot be seen. If the speed is too fast, it is easy to cause traffic accidents, especially hitting pedestrians or electric vehicles. At intersections where both straight and turning occur simultaneously, whether turning left or right, one will inevitably encounter a direction where pedestrians also have green lights and are crossing the road. It is important to pay attention to courtesy.

big trun (3)

Turn left and make a big turn, then turn right and make a small turn. This is for situations where you have crossed an intersection. If it is not an intersection, taking small roads, passing through small alleys, or parking lots is not suitable. This is based on the premise of being able to turn smoothly. If the road is very narrow and the turns are very small, whether turning left or right, one should take a big turn and turn the car ahead of time, otherwise it is difficult to turn and there may be scratches. Of course, if the road is wide, it is still safer to follow a left turn, a big turn, and a right turn, a small turn.

From: WONDEE Autoparts



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